Download Firefox 18.0.1

Posted by Unknown on Saturday, February 9, 2013

Download Firefox 18.0.1
Firefox 18.0.1
Download Firefox 18.0.1. Mozilla Firefox is one browser that is very popular today. Firefox now has been progressing very rapidly. Although there are still some bugs, with the development of technology especially the web browser, Mozilla continues to develop sophisticated firefox web browser. Competition in the web browser seems to be getting tighter. This prompted Mozilla to continue to perform the update in each version.

Firefox 18.0.1 - Realesed!

Fast, smart and safe. As an open source web browser, Firefox experienced a rapid improvement, both in terms of the interface and security. Some security-software companies such as Symantec corporation and Secunia considers that Firefox is in many ways more secure than other web browsers, because Firefox is not integrated with the operating system. Firefox 18.0.1 is the latest version of Mozilla.

What's New in Firefox 18.0.1 - Changelog

  • Fix JavaScript related stability issues
  • Problems involving HTTP Proxy Transactions (Associated bugs)
  • Unity player crashes on Mac OS X (bug 828954)
  • Disabled HIDPI support when using external monitors to avoid rendering glitches 
  • Faster JavaScript performance via IonMonkey compiler
  • Support for Retina Display on OS X 10.7 and up
  • Preliminary support for WebRTC
  • Experience better image quality with our new HTML scaling algorithm
  • Performance improvements around tab switching
  • Support for W3C touch events implemented, taking the place of MozTouch events
  • Disable insecure content loading on HTTPS pages through an about:config pref (62178)
  • Improved responsiveness for users on proxies 
Download : Firefox 18.0.1 | 19.36 MB

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